वोट माँगनेवाला प्रार्थी MEANING - NEAR BY WORDS
वोट माँगनेवाला प्रार्थी
वोट = VOTEउदाहरण : वह बग दिखाएँ जिसकी वोट संख्या इससे ज्यादा होः
Usage : there were only 17 votes in favor of the motion
Usage : there were only 17 votes in favor of the motion
(Noun) +5
वोट = VOTE-CATCHINGUsage : The politician made promises just for the sake of vote-catching.
(Noun) 0
वोटन = WOTANउदाहरण : उस मूर्ति की वोटन शैली प्राचीन जर्मनिक परंपराओं को दर्शाती है।
Usage : The wotan style of the sculpture reflected ancient Germanic traditions.
Usage : The wotan style of the sculpture reflected ancient Germanic traditions.
(Adjective) 0